Discovery 1: Oversized Snowsuit

Discovery 2: Mouth

Discovery 3: Things that go in mouth - Thumb

Discovery 3: Things that go in mouth - Yes, toes

Discovery 3: Things that go in mouth - Toes from both feet? Not quite.

Discovery 4: The joy of relaxation (notice the constant companion of spit-up stain)

Discovery 5: Bad fashion at Daddy's office - The 80's look

Discovery 5: Bad fashion at Daddy's office - The pensive Irishman

Discovery 5: Bad fashion at Daddy's office - The dancing Irishman

As you can see, these have been real learning experiences for Andrew. Hopefully the next (6th!) month will provide just as many captivating discoveries.
1 comment:
Michael & Jen,
Andrew is just beautiful! I think he looks a lot like Mommy. He seems to have the same oral fixation that I remember his daddy having as a child. Michael, remember chewing through the Nintendo game conrtoller cords?
I found your blog by searching your names. Dave and Becca have sent us their web address, and I found out that you were keeping a blog as well. You chan check us out. We're under "BrianMartinFamily"
I'm looking forward to your next update!
Love to all three of you!
Katie (Pictor) Martin
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