We live on the second story of an darling row of Brownstone apartments in the middle of Cambridge, Massachusetts. While our apartment is absolutely beautiful and is filled with New England charm, it isn't really the ideal place for a family of four. I spent months of sleepless nights trying to figure out how and where we were going to put our #2 (and ALL THE GEAR that comes along with him--swings, bouncy seats, play mats, etc.). I've never been all that interested in having my newborns sleep in the same room with me because I am a light sleeper. And, needless to say, I would never enjoy an ounce of sleep with all the cooing and gurgling that goes on as a baby sleeps.
We've decided to move the baby into the living room--with the TV, computer desk, two couches, an ottoman, large radiator, fireplace, book shelves and all of Andrew's toys. (And no this room isn't large, in fact, it's becoming quite cramped!)
We're going to make it work! And he won't know the difference if it doesn't turn out working all that great.
Here he is:

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