If you look closely at Jacob's face, you will notice that he has scabs on his cheeks. Not only was he "sunny-side up", but he was positioned to be delivered nose first! I was in full hard labor for 31 hours . . . there is a reason why it is best to deliver children skull first--it helps things to move along a little faster! His little face got the raw end of the deal. Both Michael and I cried when he was finally born. He looked like he had just survived a battle. We will spare you pictures of the first few hours of his life. I still have a difficult time looking at them. They really were terrible!

I am amazed how Andrew seemed to grow up overnight! He seems ready to be a big brother.
Thanks Danni for coming to our rescue! We don't know what we would have done without you!
I am sooooooo glad that you are finally updating your blog. Now with the slide show up and running I would say you have redeemed yourselves as a true blogger again. Welcome! I am so glad we are bestest friends. Love you
so good to hear from you jen! what adorable little boys...congratulations on your most recent addition! i love that name jacob. good to hear from you and i am glad we can keep up with eachother through the blogging world!
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