It's been a while, I know. Really, there is no good excuse for letting our blog go for so long. Regardless, we still have found many excuses not to blog. After our cyclone vacation around the west coast this summer, we moved into a new apartment in Boston and started business school. Finding time to sort through 3,000 pictures from these last few months has not been as high on my priority list--as it obviously should have been. Needless to say, things have been busy. Very busy.
Let's start with May:
After recovering from the race, I spent my days packing up our apartment, caring for two boys and a husband with the stomach flu, and playing Mario Cart with Andrew. I knew it was getting to be a terrible habit for the both of us when my Andrew was requesting to "race cars" all of his waking hours.
June 5th -10th: We flew to Sun-Valley, Idaho for a family vacation with the Smiths.

Andrew has had a lot of luck lately. The pilots on our flights have been super nice and have let Andrew land the plane the last few times!
All of Michael's family was able to make it to Sun Valley. We had an incredibly fun week . . . and hope we can make this a regular vacation spot!

The resort in Sun Valley

Attempts to take a Grandparents/Grandchildren photo:

Family Photo:

Andrew between photos.

Pool time:

bicycling into town:

Andrew with his phone obsession:

Girl's afternoon:

Lonnie and Cheryl's 40th Anniversary party!

my sweet Andrew.

June 11th-21st: We flew to Park City for a wedding, and to see my sister Danielle and her family. We walked around Main Street in Park City, we met friends and family in SLC and in Provo, we enjoyed two trips to the Hogle Zoo, and LOVED the fresh mountain air.

These guys were pumped to be here!

Wild roosters and turkeys totally belong in a zoo!

The is the most gorgeous carousel I have ever seen!

Macie was still on O2. It's pretty common for premie babies to be on it until their official due date.

June 22nd- July 21st: We flew back to Saratoga, California to spend a month with Michael's parents. There was no way we could have packed in more than we did. We were exhausted and so were the boys. It was a magical 4 weeks.
Lake Berryessa:

So the picture isn't out of focus, it was the smoke from the forest fires in Northern California.

Andrew was in heaven. He loves "Granka's fast boat".

Jacob crashed! He was so tired.

Vesona Park:

Trains, Planes, and Fire Trucks . . . what more could you ask for?

So proud of himself for sliding down such a big slide.

Swimming with our friends, The Other Smith's:

Fourth of July:

Los Gatos, the neighboring town had a really fun musical celebration in the morning.

San Jose Children's Museum:

Santa Cruz beach:
This beach is only 30-40 minutes away from Michael's parent's home. It was so much fun to go with the Call girls and their friends.

My dear friend Beth Call Hulme

Andrew's best friend in California, Seth Hulme.

Emma Prusch Farm Park:

This is Andrew's cousin Max. He was such a help with the boys while we were at the farm. He is a wonderful older brother and cousin . . . Thanks Max!!

Muir Wood National Forest:

Golden Gate Bridge heading into Sausalito Island



Inside of one of the fallen trees

Monterey Aquarium with the Smiths and Keysers (Michael's parents and sister Mimi's family):

Oakland Zoo with our Other, Other friends named the Smiths:

Jacob and Asher . . . both Smiths.

Kim Smith and her son Bennett

We've visted quite a few zoos in the last few months, but none of them had a miniture amuzement park like this one! Andrew LOVED the roller coasters. It wasn't too scary, but it had enough torque to make your stomach drop.

July 22 - August 8th: We flew from Cali to Colorado Springs, Colorado to spend three weeks with my family.
Grandma Cowser's home:

Gratefully the boys adjusted quickly to my parent's home. This whole summer they were remarkable mobile and easy going.
Mr. Biggs Indoor Playground:

We took Jacob and Andrew to an indoor play ground to meet some more of their best friends:(in order) Reid, Tanner (twins above) and Andrew Michael (below).

I loved seeing my friend Liz Hasler Christensen. It seriously brought tears to my eyes when she walked in Mr. Biggs with her little clan. Her boys are so beautiful and full of life. I don't know how she does it! Moms of twins amaze me!
Renee's birthday party:

We snuck the boys in the back . . . to the "girls only" Princess Garden Party.

My mom has a little talent when it comes to cake decorating!

Andrew trying to help blow out the candles! Thanks bud.
Pizza with Egglestons:
After the birthday party, we headed to Carbondale for a weekend with Michael's sister. It was a beautiful drive. We met them at a yummy pizza place just outside of town.

It was a good thing they had buffalo to ride at the restaraunt.

This was Jacob's face when he recognized his cousin Genivieve.

Pool and Carbondale:

August 8th-15th: San Clemente, California for a Cowser family reunion.
Not that we hadn't already been having quite the reunion, we decided to have it in a more glamarous location.

This is the beautiful place we stayed (above) and this is the gorgeous view (below):

A few shots of Danni and her family.

Talise 7

Renee 5

Macie 3 months

Beach Days:

His feet still never touch the ground!

Disneyland was magical.

Nemo's submarine ride:

Roller coaster after roller coaster.

Mickey's Parade

Danielle and her family . . . except Macie.

Loving it!
August 15th-18th: We flew back to Park City for a friend's wedding. Loads of fun.
August 18th: Flew to Boston to move into our new apartment and start school.
WOW! What a great summer. I wish ours was filled with that much fun. I didn't know that you were moving, so thanks for the update. Your pictures of Muir Woods and Sausilito reminded me of our trip a year ago. So fun! Also, your kids are getting so big! Time goes by way too fast.
Our summer went by way to fast with you guys! Good thing we are coming out for a few days to visit. I love all the pics, Jen--Nice work!!!!
WOW! It sounds like you had a lot of fun. I'm glad you are back. You have a very cute family!
Back to real life!
FUN! I'm so glad you are back to the blogging world, I love seeing your smile and what your family is up to. You did it right, I think one of the best things about grad school is the summer before and after you finish-- you get to skip out of reality for a few beats and do what you like when you like-- so wonderful. I love you Jen!
Jen, I love your pictures! It's always fun to see your blog. Would you believe I was in San Clemente at the same time as you? We can't ever seem to coordinate Utah trips, but southern California? What are the chances... We miss you lots!
wow, what an incredible summer! i'm glad it was so fun. that' awesome that you saw kim and bennett. oh and i'm so jealous that you were in san clemente! home sweet home!
WHEW! Did you ever come up for air between all the fun vacations? ;o)
Love the photos--your little boys are so cute! Can't believe how big they are getting! xoA
So glad you had a wonderful summer. B-school will seem like a breeze compared to all the traveling. :) Enjoy the Boston fall for us and give Lizzie and Jenn K. a hug, as well as your two cute boys. You are great! Now, if Michael's family just still lived in IN and we could get a visit in OH on your way to visit them. Granted, CA is much better. :)
It is good to have you back. I missed seeing your posts.. I absolutely love how much you genuinely love life and all that comes your way.
Your pictures are wonderful... Are you the photographer on all of these? The Smith family photos too? - They are all really great. You are amazing at so many things.. photography - just one more talent to add to your many others!!!!
You are amazing.. thanks for posting.
Jenn H
What great photos and memories! We loved seeing you over the summer and the photos to reminisce. It looks like you had a blast! You've given me some ideas of what to do later this month with G in CA. Michael looks awesome out there water skiing! Thanks for sharing! We love you!
I stumbled upon your new post yesterday, not expecting to see anything new. Josh was with me when I quickly scrolled down the photos (spent more time on them today) and he was wildly ecstatic every time he saw Jacob. Apparently he believes he has found a friend.
Way to go Jen. You did it! I'm so happy to see all the pictures documenting your crazy summer. I swear, you Smiths are always on the move. Let's talk again soon.
I AM DYING! I thought I'd lost you... where have you been all my life!?!?! Those boys get cuter and cuter. I just loved loved LOVED all the pictures. You're darling as ever.
-I changed blogs incase you're confused.
Finally SHEESH! I've been checking your blog FITTI. It's good to know that although we weren't significant enough to be "pictured" in your SUMMER O FUN that we at least got to spend some time with you guys. : ) LOVE YOU GUYS SO MUCH. I'm so excited about school and I really hope that Michael is using his "special" lap top. So fun.
Looks like you had a very full and fun summer! Gorgeous pictures.
So, sometime when you visit Utah, you might have to fit me in. I know you are busy, but I would love to see you next time you are here.
Fun to catch up on what you are doing.
So fun to see your family photos and have you on the blogger-sphere again! It was wonderful to see both you and Michael. Keep up the good work at Harvard!
So, *sigh*, I started a blog. =) I need your e-mail address so I can send you an invite! (It's private...)
What fun you guys have been having! It was great to have you all here for a little while! Give me a call soon. I would love to hear from you. I love all of your beautiful shots! When will you be out here again?
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