So this cake doesn't look very big, but let me tell you . . . it was a layered 16" round, 15 pound cake that fed at least 80 people! It was enormous and SO much fun to create.

Michael goes to class in "sections". There are 90 people in his section, and he sees them every day, all day, all week. His section was cute enough to invite Andrew, Jacob and I to come to class after the day was over to celebrate Andrew's 3rd birthday with them. I was admittedly worried how Andrew would react to 90 adults singing "Happy Birthday" to him. I was thrilled and surprised to watch him enjoy every minute of the attention!

Right as I walked into class, my children were swooped out of my hands to be loved and cuddled by Michael's classmates the whole time we were there.

This is Michael's classroom: Aldrich 109, Section H.

This is our resident HBS wild Turkey: Henrietta. Warning: She has a really mean streak! Luckily we were permitted to pass behind her without being chased all the way to class.

Have you ever seen someone SO excited for their birthday?

We had a few of Andrew's friends over to celebrate his birthday and to help us make train shaped pizza. Too bad you can't tell the shape from these pictures, there was SO much cheese and pepperoni put on top it buried the dough!

Happy Birthday my little love. I am so grateful to have you!
Your cake turned out so amazing. You definitley have a gift for these kinds of things.
The cake looks amazing in the pictures - and they still don't even quite do it justice! What a fun birthday - your kids will always feel special and loved, for sure!
We used the train cake mold from Williams Sonoma for Ben's bday this year. He and Andrew would be great friends since Ben studies his Thomas the Train "newspaper" every morning during breakfast. You know, the ones that come with the trains that have pictures of all the other trains. Oh, and a shout out to section H. Andy was in as well. gotta love Aldrich 109. :)
Hi Jen! Happy Birthday to Andrew! What a lucky little boy... not many three year olds get that many people to help them celebrate! Time sure flies, doesn't it? Your train cake was AMAZING! He looked like he was in heaven on his birthday!
Holy Cow Jen! Then only thing I can say is, you go sorella! Oh and I'm offended that you didn't make me a big Mr Darcey cake for me for my birthday! So I guess maybe I'll forgive you someday. Love you guys.
Awesome cake! Glad your guy had such a fun birthday party!
That cake is insane! Good job!
Happy Birthday Andrew! You're THREE! Good thing you had LOTS of friends to celebrate with! And the most FUN cake ever!! Hope you had a great day!
That cake is impressive! I can't believe Andrew is 3- I can still remember where I was when we were talking right after he was born. Time goes by way too fast. Seeing your pictures with Michael's section made me so homesick for Chicago and Business School- what a great time of life! I am so glad you are enjoying it! Miss you and can't wait to see you......at Christmas???
Wow, Jen! That is an amazing cake--you are very brave and creative! I am so glad that Andrew's party went well. You sure made his #3 birthday special. I wish we could have been there!
16" round and 15 pounds?? Wow, Jen! What an amazing cake and what a great mom to make it so fun for everyone! It looks like Andrew loved it all.
Happy Birthday Harvard style. Love the CAKE! You have great talent girl.
Jen, the cake is amazing! Did I get that right, you made it! SO impressive. Your boys are too beautiful. Happy Birthday Andrew!
wow Jen, great cake!! you are so talented...i love it, and i'm sure Andrew did too:) Happy bday little man. You sure are the cutest 3 year old Boston boy I know
what a cake! not often do beautiful cakes look delicious...but you accomplished both! it was fun to catch up and see all of the fun your little fam is having. i loved seeing ali province and her boys in some of the pics...we just love that fam!
Okay, this is totally lame, but I am so excited to have finally made it on to your blog listing! I feel so loved!
Jen, that is the most amazing cake I have ever seen! And Andrew is so grown up! I miss seeing you guys. Hopefully it isn't too much longer before we can see you guys. Hope all is well.
What a stinking cute cake! You are so talented!
Oh my goodness! You truly did go all out with Andrew's Birthday Party! I'm totally impressed with your fun ideas for making any simple party very stylish. I also want to celebrate my son’s first birthday party at one of the rental spaces for parties. Going to add something over the top in this bash for added fun. Just scrolling web pages for the ideas!
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