Saturday, October 11, 2008

Topsfield Fair

One afternoon while all of our husbands were oh, so busily working, we went off to play at Topsfield Fair. The kiddos loved it! We are already out numbered 6:4, but next year it will be by an even bigger margin 9:4! All of my first year friends are pregnant!

This is Alli. She has two darling boys and is expecting a daughter soon!

This is Heidi and Alicia. They both have one child and are anticipating the arrival of another soon!

You can't go to a Fair and not enjoy a ride or two! We rode the carousel, the Crazy Bus and went down the Fun Slide. (It was actually a LOT more fun that it looks or professed.)


Kirk and Jamie said...

Looks like you all had so much fun! Am I missing something on my math or is Heidi pregnant too now?

Johanna said...

Fun! Looks like you have a great group there.