Thursday, March 16, 2006

The Adventures at 5 Months

So before Andrew was 3 months old, he had taken 8 or 9 plane rides, been on a cruise, gone to Mexico, and had seen at least 7 states. That may have been cool, but as these pictures will show, those adventures were nothing compared to what he's discovered lately.

Discovery 1: Oversized Snowsuit

Discovery 2: Mouth

Discovery 3: Things that go in mouth - Thumb
Discovery 3: Things that go in mouth - Toes?

Discovery 3: Things that go in mouth - Yes, toes

Discovery 3: Things that go in mouth - Toes from both feet? Not quite.

Discovery 4: The joy of relaxation (notice the constant companion of spit-up stain)

Discovery 5: Bad fashion at Daddy's office - The 80's look

Discovery 5: Bad fashion at Daddy's office - The pensive Irishman

Discovery 5: Bad fashion at Daddy's office - The dancing Irishman

As you can see, these have been real learning experiences for Andrew. Hopefully the next (6th!) month will provide just as many captivating discoveries.

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Bedtime routine

In order to get me to bed at night, my parents have to wear me out!! First we practice rolling over and enjoy a little tummy-time.

Then we bounce in the bean bag until . . .
I am so worn out that I have glossy eyes.

But, bath time revives me and I'm ready to eat. . .

still ready. . .

After my last dinner for the night, we read a few books. Tonight my dad took a turn reading to me. We spent the entire book trying to find out where my mother was!

Then my parents put me down with a kiss and hope that I find my fingers quickly. Yep, I found them! Goodnight.

Thursday, January 26, 2006

The wonderful "Three Months" mark

Here are the many faces of Andrew at three months:

Our little one is never stingy with his smiles. We wonder if he will keep this personality as he grows? It certainly would help us survive the terrible two's!

This is his normal expression . . . confused. Clearly, a trait passed on from Dad.

His other most common face displays his deep and constant hunger . . .unlike the prior trait, this one is not from Dad.

Training him to go to bed has been our biggest challenge! We feel lucky that it only took him 90 minutes of crying before he finally fell asleep. . .

Every night after that, he's asleep before his mobile is finished playing!

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