Thursday, May 31, 2012

Let's pick up (a few years after) where we left off . . .

It will be virtually impossible to recap the last three years of our lives - doing it any sort of justice - but these photos might explain a little about the personality that our family has taken on.

I just turned 33 last week . . . a dear friend made me promise that I would update my blog so that I wouldn't be 30 forever.  I don't really mind getting older . . . yet . . .  

A lot has happened since 2009.

Michael and I took a trip to Singapore

We spend a summer internship in Santa Monica, California.  It was a glorious summer.

I helped run Crimson Kids - practically a full time job!

Jacob started preschool.  Andrew continued preschool.

Michael (almost) ran the Boston Marathon!
(then he ran the Utah Valley Marathon 2 months later with a time of 3:20!!)

He graduated from Harvard Business School

We took a wonderful trip to Belgium and France - just the two of us!

We had Weston Davis Smith join our family on July 17th, 2010.  What a big baby!  9lbs 6 oz and 22 inches long.  He wanted to stay in forever!  We finally had our OB break my water the day before his actual due date.

Michael got a job offer the 13th of August.  We packed our apartment the 14th of August.  Flew to California the 15th of August and he started work the 17th of August.  We moved when Weston was not quite a month old!  It was a little crazy.

Bunked with Michael's parents for three months or so.

Bought our first home!!  Not really a starter home.  We have A LOT to learn.

Lots of little trips here and there.

A big trip with my side of the family to Israel, Egypt and Jordan.

Our first Christmas in our home!!  It was wonderful.

Andrew started Kindergarten.  He was bumped up to the third grade reading class!

Jacob and Andrew started piano lessons and they are doing awesome.

They both learned to ride their bikes without training wheels!

Weston made it to NURSERY!!  What a wonderful blessed event that was!

I am sure I am forgetting so many things . . . but this is just a start.