Monday, November 12, 2007

How addicted are you?

68%How Addicted to Blogging Are You?

Looking for payday loans?

Come on, be honest. Take the quiz by clicking on the image. You might be surprised!

Maybe we should start an addiction recovery group? Or not.

Friday, November 09, 2007

Super Happy Halloween

It wasn't until Andrew realized what happens when you keep your costume on that Halloween came alive! We loved watching him catch on to the kind of crazy tradition that we celebrate--knocking on some one's door and begging them for candy . . . dressed up in costume. Kind of weird, but very fun.

So, as I was writing this, my curiosity got the best of me and I googled Halloween history--and of course, I found loads of fun information. gave a very nice review of the ancient history of this modern holiday that we celebrate--dating all the way back to the Celts 2000 years ago. If you want to know more visit:

Anyway, we took the train to well known area of Boston, called Beacon Hill to trick-or-treat. It was amazing. The homes are INcREdiblE! From what I hear, they all have very strict standard they have to follow in this area for keeping up the inside and outside of their homes--down to the way they decorate. Pretty shnazy. Most of the homes share a wall with the home next door--some call that town homes--but these were so much more amazing than your average town home. Michael and I were drooling the entire evening. Michael wants to find a way to make enough money so we can move there. I wish him the best of luck--but if it's not too much to ask, I'd still like him home in the evenings to help me put the kids to bed. If he can find time to earn loads of money around that schedule, I will be immensely impressed!

I am already excited for what next year will bring--Jacob will probably be able to participate more than he did from the stroller this year. Happy Halloween . . . very very late.

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

The Boston Marathon, April 21, 2008

For several years now I have had this intimidating desire to run a marathon but never the motivation to commit, until now. Several months ago my dear friend Catie was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer, called Ewing’s Sarcoma. This is a disease in which cancer cells are found in the bone or in soft tissue. Catie was 22 weeks pregnant when she was first diagnosed and because of the progressive nature of the cancer, it was imperative that she begin chemotherapy immediately. It overwhelms me to imagine being in her position: a mother of two and pregnant with her third with seven months of chemotherapy, medical appointments, surgery, and radiation ahead of her.

Sarah was born on October 3, weighing 2 pounds and 4 ounces. She is doing remarkably well as of today she should have been sent home from the hospital—a month early!

Catie is so courageous, strong and beautiful. And Steve is steady and full of humor. Leave it to Catie and Steve to make this insurmountable trial seem manageable! I owe them the world for the lessons they are unknowingly teaching me. Soon after I became aware of Catie’s diagnosis, Michael and I became involved locally with the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute. Through this involvement I have been invited to race in the 2008 Boston Marathon with the Dana-Farber Marathon Challenge (DFMC) team. DFMC directs 100% of funds raised to this program, which enables scientists at the leading edge of discovery to achieve better cure rates and to enhance patients' quality of life.

This April, I will embark on one of the biggest challenge of my life: completing the Boston Marathon. But my personal effort, no matter how difficult, can in no way compare to the challenge facing those diagnosed with cancer. Unfortunately, nearly everyone knows someone who is affected by cancer, either directly or through a loved one. To support cancer research, Michael and I have set a personal fund-raising goal of $7,500. In a few weeks we are kicking off the fundraising by holding a formal cocktail party at a reception center in downtown Boston. (

If you happen upon this blog and you are interested in supporting Dana-Farber and cancer research, you are more than welcome to donate to this great cause by following the steps below.

Here's how to donate:
1. Go to
2. On the left side of the page, click on the "Support a Runner" button.
3. Enter my first and last name: Jennifer Smith, and follow the prompts from there.

Photography 101

I started a photography class a few weeks ago and I love what I am learning. There is a whole new world that has been opened up to me filled with terms like aperture, f stop, and ISO. I have so much to learn and no time to practice. I feel like the most valuable aspect of the class is exposure to my camera. I just need to find the time. So be forgiving, I need lots of practice. And although I LOVE the subjects that I photograph, they aren't always cooperative.

Rhode Island--Our second home

The Newport Marriott in Rhode Island is almost our second home! We love visiting this little state--Michael's birthplace and a favorite of mom and dad Smith. While they were here for a long weekend we took a few days off from our crazy life and drove south.

Andrew loved being with his dad for several days straight. It was really refreshing to have the family together again. We ate, sailed, ate, walked along the cliffs, ate, and then had dessert! I love when vacations revolve around one great meal after the next.

Here are a few snapshots of our trip:

This chariot is the only way that I survive in the city. It's called a Phil and Ted--love it!!!

This was the biggest lobster I have ever seen! It was at least 2 feet long.

The Happy Birthday Party

We felt so guilty for being gone on Andrew's second birthday that we decided to invite 30 of his closest friends over for a party. Well, it wasn't quite like that but, history has a way of changing itself, even if it was only two weeks ago!

The truth is Michael and I went away for a few days to good ole' Prove. The company that Michael works for encouraged him to interview at "the BYU" to see if there were any great students that they could hire. So, we begged Andrew's favorite babysitter Lisa and her husband to stay with the boys for three days and we flew to Utah. We had a much needed break and saw so many of our dear friends.

The morning after we flew home, Michael's parent's arrived on a red-eye (bless their hearts!) to spend a few days with us. We did feel a bit guilty missing Andrew's official birthday, but certainly made up for it with a fun little bash. He has been really in to Elmo and Cookie Monster lately, so we surprised him with enormous cakes sporting his favorite Sesame Street characters.

We ate cake for an entire week after the party . . . the cakes were enormous!

I still get surprised when I realize that I have a two year old. Where does the time go?

We love you Andrew. Happy 2nd Birthday!