Saturday arrived and I was intimidated, but determined. It was sunny, 60 degrees and gorgeous outside . . . the best weather for a run! Michael uploaded a few hour-long NPR programs onto my shuffle to help pass the time. I printed up an outline of the course I was running and we agreed to meet 10 miles into my run so I could get a drink of water, stretch a little, and break up the monotony. I ran down the driveway, onto Chester Ave. and began running toward Gypsy Hill Road. My muscles felt relaxed, my heart was steady, and my mind was focused. I've begun to realize how marathon training is much more than just training your body to run for hours on end, it is also training your mind to endure. Three hours of running can be challenging on so many levels!
Sixty minutes into my run, I had 9 miles left and the first program was just ending. (You don’t need to be a math genius to figure out that I run really slow and steady!) I could hardly believe that I had been running for so long! The NPR broadcast was of a show that Michael and I have been listening to for a little while now—This American Life. It is a won

I usually listen to music when I run, I really enjoy peppy, energetic dance music that keeps my heart alive and my feet moving. I didn’t realize how engrossed I would become in these broadcasts, nor did I realize how quickly the miles would pass as I distracted my mind from the pavement. Ten miles into my run I still felt great. I met Michael, enjoyed a package of fruit snacks and couldn’t help myself from downing an entire bottle of water. We visited for a moment while I stretched my legs and then I was off again. Two hours in to my run I had enjoyed another episode of This American Life and was feeling more educated and a little worn. As I finished the last three miles of my run, I began to wonder if I should just run a few more miles. I had already logged 15 miles on to my Saturday run and it was going to take a lot of effort to get back to this point. It was still sunny and beautiful. Why not? I was sure I had a few more miles in me. Instead of turning onto the other end of Chester Ave to head home, I ran around the local junior college behind the Smith’s home and headed for the trail that I began my run on. Surprised by how good I still felt, I decided to sprint the last 200 yards back to the house!! I couldn’t believe how far I had run--17 MILES!!
This run definitely gives me hope for the marathon in April. I just hope the weather is just as nice and perfect; although, I’m a little skeptical. Boston weather doesn’t usually cooperate for Marathon Monday. Last year it was poring rain, the year prior it was freezing cold, and the first year we were in town I think we had record high temperatures so the runners were all suffering from heat stroke! Good thing we love Boston despite the weather. (Especially when we can escape to California for a little of the winter!)
Thanks to This American Life. It really helped pass the time.
btw, you can download podcasts for This American Life off of Itunes for free! You'll totally enjoy it!
Thanks for the tip Jen, maybe I'll be able to run farther than 3-5 miles myself now :)
I hope you're loving your break from the cold, we sure miss you here!
whoa. 17 miles! You're unreal! Way to go!
I'm so proud of you! And I'm so glad that you finally posted some of your "running" Diary.
You are seriously so inspiring, Jen! I was just thinking during my run today that I need to figure out some new music or SOMETHING to keep my mind a little more distracted from the mileage screen on the tread mill! What a great tip!
Hope you guys are having a great time in CA! We miss you!
Way to go, Jen!! You're awesome! If 17 was that painless, 26 can't be that bad, right? Keep up the great work!
Wow! That's so great! Great tip on the podcasts.
Okay, really, so impressed with your running. Way to go!
But I'm also so excited that I've finally found someone who loves This American Life as much as I do!!
You have got to tell me where you find the time, with two kids, to run everyday! Your discipline is a great motivation to me, and by the way - I think that you will breeze through 26 miles!
What could you possibly be runnning from for that long?
Jen, I loved reading about your running. I'm hoping to run a marathon in SF this August and I am almost more worried about mental part of running for 26 miles than the physical part. Good luck with the rest of the training!
I cant wait to hear how the marathon goes!
P.S I do love to read your other posts as well. You guys have such cute boys!
I'm so inspired!! Maybe someday soon!
You are amazing! I love reading your blog. When you talked about sprinting to the end I was right with you, I feel like I'm on my final stretch with only three treatments left! You inspire me Jen. I love you.
This makes me miss you Jen! Remember our great long runs in Provo? I miss having such great conversations on our runs! Boo hoo. And wow...17 miles! That is amazing. I don't do much running outside, I have been biking a lot and going to the gym, but I miss running sometimes. Thanks for the tip on the podcast as well. I am going to check it out. I will use it for biking :)
Hi Jen,
I accidentally found your site (my friend/co-workers name is Jennifer Smith too:)) and I think it's wonderful! Would you be willing to email me to answer a few questions re: creating a blog and photography?
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