We enjoyed having most of the Smith family here (we missed you Keysers!) and Michael and I were close to tears as we said "good-bye" to everyone as they left. However, I must say that staying here after everyone has left has really seem to stretch the Christmas break out for us. It usually feels like we are jumping on a plane right to visit more family after we open gifts and scarf down Christmas dinner. It has been so relaxing and pleasant this year.
There are so many things to love about California: first and foremost is the one-on-one time that they boys get with G&G, next (in no particular order) is the amazing weather, the year-round delicious produce, the weather, a front yard that is as big--or bigger--than our apartment in Boston for the boys to play in--because of the great weather, In-N-Out, free parking, well marked intersections, few pedestrians, two freezers stocked with I c e C r e a m, Michael working Boston hours in California (in a 6am, home at 4pm)!! and I nearly forgot to mention the weather.
We did have a terrible rain storm that came through this weekend though. The weather forcasters said that it was going to be pretty cold on Monday after the storm hit with the lows at 28 and the highs at 50! Wow!! are you kidding?
I checked the weather in Boston, just for kicks, and it was 5 degrees with a wind chill factor taking it down to -7 degrees. It wasn't just a coincidence that we came to California during the Boston winter! It's a little hard to train for the Marathon while slipping on sheets of ice that literally won't melt until April.
So, just to inform you, training is going well. Slow and easy wins the race, right? Well, not the Boston Marathon! I have NO aspirations of getting a great time during this race. I just want to finish standing on both feet. I think the stats for this Marathon are: 25,000 runners (who have all qualified at wickedly fast paces!) and 1200 charity runners (who will definitely take up the rear!). I am running about 10 minute miles and I am only running 11-14 mile long runs for the weekend. At this point, I can hardly imagine doubling that distance. But, I know I am going to have to! I ran 13 miles on New Years Day and I felt good after I was finished. It was a little tough on my knees to go down the stairs for a day or so, but all in all it wasn't to hard on my body. BUT, 26.2 is going to be hard on my body and I am a little anxious about it!
After being outside for a few minutes, we quickly realized that we could drop the jacket.
For Christmas, Andrew got a new tricycle and a "siren" hat. I LOVE THIS AGE!!

Sounds like you're having a great time in California. We miss you though. It's fun to see pictures of the boys - they just get cuter and cuter every day.
Thank you. Thank you. It's great to have you back. Looks like CA is treating you well - weather, running, ice cream and all. I love the pic of Andrew looking at the ground -- so cute.
We miss you in Boston but so glad to hear you're enjoying CA! Way to go on our marathon training. I'll be there to cheer you on at the finish!
Welcome to CA! I can't wait to get together. Let's definitely get a run in, although I don't know about 14 miles. See you soon.
Hi there....I knew Michael from Indiana and met you at your wedding reception in SLC. Just wanted to say that your boys are so adorable and I have enjoyed reading your blog!
I think it's pretty hilarious that the song on your page talks about going to Boston, to get outta California, and even gives the reason of being sick of the weather. You guys are doing it backwards, Kate just suggested that maybe it's opposite day... Glad you're enjoying it, and we'll see you when you listen to the song, and come back East.
It was so fun to see you guys over the break! Hope you keep enjoying California while you are there. Glad you are enjoying the weather....and to think we were freezing! Arizona and Florida have spoiled us terribly. It sure beats Boston this time of year, though.
Oh Jenny I miss you! Sounds like CA shaping up nicely for you--great place to spend the winter! Hugs to you and Michael and your darling boys!
That is awesome that you're running the Boston Marathon. Good luck with your training, it must be heaven to run outside in nice weather. I can't wait to hear about how things turn out with the applications. Keep posting those cute pictures.
We miss you and California too! Your training sounds like it is going so well. As always, you're amazing and your boys are absolutely darling. I love you Jen!
Wow! Your boys are so cute. Wish we were in CA...
Hey Jen! I stumbled across your blog. Long time no talk! We live very near to where you are, and were in Boston before that. Small world! We'll have to get together sometime! - Spencer
One more thing...we see you with some of our old friends (Tim and Katie) in your beach pictures! We had lost track of them. Do you have an email address or anything? Please let me know if you do - spencerwirthlin@gmail.com. Small world!
Jen! I love your blog. I haven't taken a look at it for a long time, until tonight. But, I love how creative you are with it, and I love how your photographs keep getting better and better every time! I'm so impressed, Jen! Anyway, I love you tons and I need to call you soon so we can talk. I miss you!
...PS. Your boys are getting so BIG! I can hardly believe it!
It makes me so sad to see this, though I'm happy for you. I've almost called you twice to get together or go do something. But alas, you're gone for good (or so it seems). Yes, you definitely won't miss digging your car out of or into the rock hard icebergs lining the streets of Cambridge. But we miss you. When will you be back again?
Great job on running some good long distance! Sounds like some good times in Cali with the grandparents. How fun is that! Your boys are so handsome. Love the pictures, you do a wonderful job capturing these guys.
I just went to the park today (here in So Cal, in our 80 degree weather) with a friend who usually lives in Boston, too. Her husband is on Mitt's campaign=not home and so she's staying with her family until Mitt's future is determined. Anyway, I don't blame her, she too was telling us all about your lovely weather this time of year! YIKES! Isn't it nice to be HERE!!?
Jen, You and Michael have
b e a u t i f u l little boys.And you are quite a talented photographer! CA sounds great for you right now. We're so Proud of you for Marathon training. Good Luck and lots of love, khinckley
Every time I look at your blog, I can't help but think how much the photo of Andrew wearing his fireman's hat (darling!) looks like Michael, with his curly hair peeking out and all. It brings back tender memories of being little with him again. Thank you so much for sharing that picture. We are so excited for the possibility of Tucks for you! Thanks, always, for your blog posts; they make family seem that much closer. I love it! - Your photos are great, too! You'll have to teach me some tricks from your class!
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